
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fabric Scrap Fashion

I started out painting this morning, still working on that design for valentine's day cards but the house needed tending to and as I was doing laundry it occurred to me that the best way to lengthen one of my shirts was to insert a patchwork band.

If this sounds familiar it's because I've been doing that since I was a kid in the 1960's.

 Hey, sometimes the old solutions are the best. 

Actually this shirt has shrunk up so short that I may add two bands and as always I'll post pictures when I've got some.

Here's the picture. I haven't tried it on yet but it looks like the one band of patchwork is going to be enough.

Meanwhile, there's a cup of tea and a loaf of bread just out of the's smelling SO good that I feel my attention wandering again.

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