
Friday, May 15, 2015

Garden Photos:,Strawberries, violets, geranium, lilacs

These strawberries are in a tower on the deck floor so they're the ones the critters have been eating as fast as they ripen.

These white violets are in among the lily of the valley under one of my trees and will be given a home of their own soon.

The roof of this little birdhouse is lavender too so it looks really nice with the lilacs. The bush behind it is a white spirea so that will be nice alter in the season. I try to plan things so that there's always a bit of color throughout the season.

I love these daffodils, I sure wish I could remember what variety they were so that I could get some more.

This is the one annual that I bought to put a bit of color into my border after I'd cut and given away the tulips. I made one arrangement for the tea table here and sent the other to my Mother.

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