The miniature tomatoes that I'm growing this year were raised from seed that I got from Totally Tomatoes, 334 W. Stroud Street, Randolph, WI 53956. You can also find them on the internet.
So far I'm really pleased with the results. It's considered to be one of the wolds smallest tomato plants and it certainly has lived up to that.
The only disappointment was that I started with 20 seeds and only got 1/2 as many plants. I'm pretty sure that it was simply because I wasn't very well equipped to get them started in the house.
This variety was developed at the University of Florida
The catalog said that it's an ideal houseplant for windowsills, and patios for vine ripened fruits year round.
What a great idea when you don't have much room to grow anything.
I plan to make it a regular part of my plant collection from now on.