
Sunday, August 2, 2009

One potato, two potato

Well, today was payback time for the fingerling potatoes I'd given my best patio planter, container mix , time and attention. I'm an impatient girl and was wanting that planter for flowers and other plants so I dumped the potatoes and let them take care of lunch (time for them to take care of me).
Some meals I've boiled them, sometimes I roast them but today we were in a cheeseburger mood so I made fries. Not the healthiest way to cook them but they were fresh and raised totally without chemicals so as the old song goes "two out of three ain't bad".
Now I'm excited about the new things I'm planting and the fries were delicious so life doesn't get better than that today.
Anything that gives you food, exercise and something to look forward to can't be all bad.
Who knows, tomorrow could get interesting...

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