
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Getting started

Now that everything is rounded up in one place I'm beginning to wonder what I was thinking, I suddenly realized ( took long enough) that I've spent 42 years painting everything that came my way simply because I enjoy painting and it makes me feel better. Is that really a good enough reason to get obsessed with a hobby to the exclusion of everything else? Probably not but having done so I find myself looking at each of the pieces in a new way: 1. where did it come from? 2. What can or should I do with it? 3. where will it go? I was so "into" what I was doing that I never stopped to think about it. ..

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    My painter friend
    Thanks for the fun day yesterday visiting with you and your hubby. The pecan pie was delicious!
    I bet I caught you in your new studio working.
    Talk to you soon.
