
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sometimes You Just Have To Laugh

A tour of my work table today:
Sometimes it's hard to tell which projects to start with. There are 2 paintings in progress, a set of cloth napkins I'm hemming, several crochet projects, pencils, and a library book in this pile.
This time choosing is easy, The library book wins because it has to be returned in the next week or so and there are a lot of sewing techniques I'm hoping to learn berfore it goes back.

In my last post I was commenting that paintings just don't sell so leave it to life to prove me wrong...AGAIN.
I'm always amazed at the way that the art itself seems to have a life of it's own, I can't tell what's likely to go or what's not but I enjoy the work and was happy to trade one of the recent pieces for one of the other things I needed.

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