
Friday, May 31, 2013


I had hoped to get some drawings ad paintings done of the lilacs this year but the weather has been kind of crazy and by the time I got out to cut them they were already past their prime. I brought a few in anyway and will see what I can do with them .

As you can see it's pretty windy today. This would be a better photo with a softer background but I want to remind you that I live in the middle of a city and enjoying your garden is more about what you believe than it is about where you live.

 Yes, it's a mess out here and there are houses all around it but I'm as happy as I'd be in a lovely place in the country. There are a lot of things in life that we can't have and I choose not to focus on that. Even here in the city the scent fills the breeze and keeps my mind off  the noise a the traffic.

Welcome to my world

Yes, I "should" be mowing the lawn but can wait until the lilacs have gone-don't you think so? 

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