
Sunday, June 2, 2013

A tool belt for the walker

We just used a standard tool belt from the hardware store and wrapped it around the back rest of the walker. Here's the view from the front.

Here's the view from the back.

Here's the view from the top. We ran out of cable ties but will strap all 3 layers together in the morning when we get more of them.

Resting after a job well done.


  1. That is quite clever! Hey guy! Is this something you share with your wife?

    1. It's something we share with everyone. we've got lots of great ideas for ways to customize equipment so that everyone can keep doing what they want to do in style.

  2. There is a problem using the heavy leather tool belt, it adds to the thickness of the back rest and interferes with folding it up. I love it in the garden but it would be difficult, maybe impossible to travel with.
