
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Parting shots

Here are a few photos of the first Dala Horse I ever painted. It was nice to have it visit the studio again and I'll be returning it to the current owner later this week.

I think I got some much better photos of it this time, in a number of different angles and I may be able to create something interesting with the pictures as well.

I was surprised to see how long it's been since I've posted here but that letter and number project turned out to be much larger than I expected it to be and I did SOOOO much drawing that I ended up with several pencils that were too short to put into the pencil sharpener anymore. I used up several colors of pencils and went through three marking pens which was a bit of a surprise because I hadn't realized that I was so fond of outlining so many areas of my drawings.

I never did get around to the series of drawings or paintings that I wanted to base on this horse but it was nice to have it around for a while and I can always work from photos if I get in the mood for it.

You just never know where life will lead you and it's nice to look up from your work once in a while and see where it's gone when you weren't looking.

I'm cleaning off my worktable now and sorting out my art supplies as I try to decide what I'll be working on next. As always I'm excited by the possibilities and looking forward to the adventure. Running out of a lot of colors doesn't worry me, it just forces me to try new combinations and see where they'll take me.

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