
Friday, March 1, 2019

Cabin Fever in the Studio

AS most of you know the reality here is that " the Studio" Is just an extra wide shelf mounted in front of my living room windows. Art Supplies have dwindled and there is little real art going on these days.
It's snowing the big, fluffy flakes today and coming down heavy enough that I can't see anything beyond the playground across the street.
I've been stuck at home since October hoping to raise enough money on Go Fund Me to finish paying for my wheelchair and begin to save enough to purchase a rear entry wheelchair van.
My specially equipped chair has an extra long wheelbase and won't fit into a side entry.
We're grateful to the people that have paid a few hundred dollars on the chair but need so much more if I'm ever going to get free of the house this winter.
Why am I telling you all all of this? Because it's really affecting my creativity and strangling my inspiration.
The best I can do now is just share pictures of my old work while I plan what to do next.

Here's and oldie but a goodie. I just had this printed on my new computer mouse pad. It's just a detail view of that purple iris in the lower center of the painting and I like it a lot.

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