
Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Hints of Spring

Being stuck in doors can get tedious and with stay at home orders in place in many parts of the world we try lots of diversions.

With restaurants closed to dine in . I occasionally resort to finding videos with background sounds that set the mood. 

If you crop a photo close enough it almost looks like you're there. 

It doesn't look like much for company but I'm raising caterpillars so that I can do another butterfly release this summer. They move around and get their exercise and remind me to get mine.

Finally, the weather has been nice enough to be outside and here are the very first blooms that I spotted in my garden.

I've managed to salvage about a dozen strawberry plants so far and continue to do that whenever I can.

I'm not sure what these plants are but I added more soil and replanted them just in case they were the flowers that I remember over there.

It doesn't look like much here but there are several small rosebushes, some iris and some lilies so at various times this season the area will be pink, purple, yellow and orange.

Until then it's mostly a mater of waiting, watching, working and hoping.

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