
Saturday, January 15, 2011

You Can Sit on my Art

I found this while sorting through things around here. I wrote it nearly 20 years ago but the only thing that's changed is that I no longer have a front porch.
"You can sit on my Art: I've been an artist all of my life but the art market being what it is these days I've been putting my painting to more practical uses.
It all started when I decided to fix up some of my wooden interior chairs and my big, metal patio chairs.
The best place to work was out on the front porch so I could take advantage of the fresh air-this of course also brought my little project to the attention of  almost everyone in the neighborhood that happens to pass by and soon they began to bring me their "sad" chairs to be cheered up with a bright, brand new and original paint job.
After doing this for a while I began to buy new chairs just to explore the design possibilities, now I've got all shapes, sizes and types in many designs ranging from landscapes and florals to geometric and fantasy inspired designs"
All of those chairs sold so "finding" this again inspired me to get started on a couple more. I'll add pictures when I get a chance but I wanted to share this with you before I lost track of it again. Join in, grab a brush and paint your world into a brighter and better place...I'm sure trying.

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