
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Turning a Wheelchair Ramp into an Artistic Statement

I'm painting my wheelchair ramp a piece at a time. The fact that there are so many spindles on it gives you endless choices on how to express yourself.

 My first choice was to paint it in the style of a chair that I designed for a magazine back in the 1990's.

As you can see this easy combination of lines and dots really stands out and says "oh my! I wish I lived somewhere warm." It makes me smile and I can't wait to hear what the neighbors will have to say about it.

Wouldn't this be a great project for a group? Everyone could paint up a spindle and dedicate them to different people and causes. and then they could all be put together to make a place really special. Both accessible and beautiful.

Art makes the world a better place and I feel that it makes us better people too, don't you?

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