
Friday, January 17, 2020

Sharing Your Practice Work

I love mail! Whether it's getting it, creating it, sending it or designing my own stationery or cards.

The best work ends up in my zazzle store and the rest of it just goes out in the mail to keep people entertained.

Here's a bit of today's fun in watercolor, gouache and marker:

I chose watercolor for the envelopes which are actually made out of a light weight watercolor paper. The challenge today was in the tool used. A waterbrush is exactly what it sounds like. The water is stored in a hollow handle and is released in and through the brush by simply squeezing it. I only own 2, a flat and a round so it's difficult to get fine detail but I love the fact that it's portable and you don't have to carry extra water along.

I keep this set by my bed (a special sleep chair) for times that I can't sleep or am not well enough to be up and about.

This part of a card was done in gouache and markers.

Nothing very artistic happened today but we all enjoyed it, or will be enjoying it soon.

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