
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Building a Garden

Here's my work area where I'm busy potting and dividing plants most of the time. It's also the table I'll be painting up for the front garden when we're ready to get that done.

Doug moved a few more Hosta up to the front border and as always we're both surprised and pleased how fast they grow. All of the ones I'd potted up in containers just a few weeks ago had outgrown them and were becoming root bound. I started all of these with just a dozen plants a few years ago. they're a gift that just keeps on giving. Each year I give away, trade or sell quite a few of them and as usual any money I make goes right back into the garden.

  I may start dividing and moving the solid green ones next year. They came with the house 13 years ago.

 This looks like chaos now but will eventually be patio and raised planter boxes for any of my friends that have mobility issues. I enjoy being able to sit and relax now and then to make gardening more pleasant and fun.

This is the area that I will be moving the big table to.

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