
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Journey Continues

 Today I'm picking up where I left off on the canvas that used to be a teapot painting.

I didn't have a real plan in mind so I decided to do a neurographica exercise in paint on the canvas instead of in ink on paper like I did yesterday.

I enjoyed doing it a lot more like that and was fairly pleased with the results. I'm not sure where the painting will go from here but I think it's got a good base structure to work with now.

Who knows, I may do tomorrow's pages that way too. It may not improve my painting but it's doing wonders for my mood and my sleep.

It's Thursday now and as you may have guessed I just couldn't leave that painting alone.

I kind of fell into it. And the canvas reflected that.

I got a bit lost after that but enjoyed the wandering. I am indeed more of a "process person" when it comes to art and you'll never find a piece of awe inspiring beauty here but you will come across some fun ways of looking at things and processing the bits an pieces in life that come our way.

What a difference a day makes. I find myself  hearing those words in a song Nat King Cole sang. I seem to have my own personal soundtrack in life. Nearly everything reminds me of a song lyric or a movie quote. Are any of the rest of you that way? It entertains me as I work.

I'm pretty happy with this so far and will go back to worrying about why more of you aren't at least following my zazzle stores if the blog doesn't interest you. I must be doing something wrong and have yet to figure it out. Any comments?

Well, I'm off to zazzle to see if I can figure things out there. I figure if my own family isn't interested enough to follow me there has to be something wrong with me or them. What do you think?

It's Saturday now and I'm still painting over and over this canvas. I may just have to set it aside and move on to something else.

It looks different here because I gessoed over it and tried painting with watercolor instead. That lead me in a whole different direction which I continue to pursue.

At this point we decided it was finished and hung it on the gallery wall.

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